Monday, April 1, 2013

Collagraph: Color


This piece is from an artist by the name of Belinda "BillyLee" NYE. She was a former photographer, yet not so long ago she was introduced to the art of printmaking and just completely fell in love with it! Belinda is an active member of the website known as RedBubble ,and although many of her teachers have a hard time understanding why she uses it, she mostly uses it for marketing. A lot of her work is shared on this page ranging from prints to oil paintings as well as her portfolio and her recent work is also updated by her there. 
Her collagraph up above was made of loads of paper cut outs and glue on top of foam board. It was than shallaced, yet she found herself wanting to add more character into her print. She re-inked the board with Graphic Block ink and then rolled it up with the color black. She then placed the board onto the same prints she recently made creating what is called a Collagraph/Relief print; thus, resulting in this beautiful image up above.
Not too long ago did I want to try a relief print with a drypoint project we were doing in my printmaking class. However, now my class is working on collagraphs and I'm hoping to experiment more with color and relief prints. 
Belinda's piece is an amazing example for the use of great value placement with color which not only gives the print an astonishing look, but also amounts for the great detail shown.

Collagraph: Texture

"Headphones Girl"

This artist I found on Deviant art and I immediately fell in love with her work! She does not give out her name, yet I came to find out her name is Liz because of the comments on her account. Besides that, I found out that she used a lot of different materials for the girl's hair: such items range from rope to shoe laces to netting. I also found out that the earphones were made of mushroom which I'm sure was difficult to maintain in one piece as the print went into the press. However, I really think she did an amazing job with using different variants for her texture and hopefully I will be able to come up with something so extraordinary no matter the level of difficulty.

Deborah Paris

drypoint 4th state
6 x 4.5

Deborah Paris is an American artist who specializes in painting landscapes mostly with pastels. Her work is full of meticulous detail and imagination that only exemplifies her intense connection and close obervation of the natural world around her. She has been featured in a few books such as "Landscapes of New Mexico" and "Texas Traditions"; and she has also been represented in "The Pastel Journal" and "Southwest Art".
This chosen piece of hers was one of her drypoint efforts particularly done in order to experiment the effects of the ink transfer onto her paper. I really admire the effects on the ink on the plate that was left unscratched. To me it seems as though the swaying motions of the ink left on the plate gives the artwork a realistic touch as if I were merely looking through a cabin window.
I also found myself drawn to her work because recently in my print-making class I have been struggling with inking my drypoint plate and transferring the print onto my paper. As soon I saw my fellow students art, I realized that I was not quite catching the lines onto the paper as much as I would have liked. Of course I got a bit frustrated and I experimented with a couple of drypoint projects adding more detail to the next until I finally decided to ink. I decided to play around with the ink, adding a touch of color here and there as well; not only did I focus so much on the lines ,but also on the ink on the unscratched surfaces.